I noticed a call to the (RED) this weekend as Sprint mentioned that a portion of money from the purchase of a new Red Motorazr would go to Global Fund. As I viewed Relevant today I came across an article that talked about this very topic. Comments were shared concerning the authors article and many people had valid replies. It is important to help with the fight against Aids, tuberculosis and malaria and to be informed about the magnitude of the problem. The best point is that if Christians followed Christ like He calls us too then there would be no need for a color campaign, because we would taking care of 'the least of these'. There is a great focus on using finances to meet physical needs right now. There needs to be a signigicant effort to meet spiritual needs as well. If the two were combined it probably would not have the same success. People would not catch onto (RED) the same way if Jesus was part of the solution to a growing problem like Aids. Consider how you can make a difference, hopefully it does not involve the purchase of an iPod Nano.