Thursday, December 07, 2006

Make Up

A recent trip to Starbucks in Joplin revealed that some people care about their customers. I was talking with an employee there that I know from college and church. We shared greetings and conversation about family and life. I stepped away and then remembered that I needed to ask him about the unknown beverage, the Iced Cafe con Leche. I shared that another Starbucks fell short of the mark on knowing the drink selection and how to make them. He said that no drink should take 20 minutes and then he proceded to make things right by preparing a free Iced Cafe con Leche in about 30 seconds. Josh knows how to treat a customer and make up for how someone else dropped the ball. I appreciate his commitment and kindness.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Glad you sent me the link to your blog. This story reminds me of the first time I ever led an OCC trip to Italy. I went into a cafe to order a pastry and some milk. I thought I would try out the 5 words in Italian that I knew, so I ordered a "pasta" (pastry) and "lecce" which I thought meant milk. "Lecce" is the spanish word for milk, but just happens to be the name of a city in southern Italy. She had no clue why I was asking her for a city. Finally Heidi came over and rescued me by asking for a "latte." Ahhhh ... language learning...